Monday, February 8, 2010

Here I am again

Well its been ages since I lost blogged, but I have been quite busy at work and in life that I'm barely touching ground....

I'm busy planning mom's 60th birthday party, my first Cocktail party (kudos to me), and then D is turning 10 in August and I would love to have something for him as well.

I'm also running around in the office like a headless chicken doing my work, our temp/learner's that has left and our Field controllers work. I have to be honest and say I'm not nearly getting all work done each day, but hey I'm trying my best.

And then, I've also turned into this health fanatic as I have started 'dieting' (see it more as a lifestyle change) again and have lost 3kg thus far and have also been making more use of my VA contract as I paid it in DEC and never even went once!LOL - am so bad, so putting everything to use....

I've found a new hobby - Mosaic - I absolutely love it and will post some pics as soon as my sexy DH decides to spoil me and buy me a new camera, *nudge nudge, wink wink*, and then I am still doing scrapbooking and need to seriously work more on D's room.

Apart from all of this our TTC plans is on hold and will resume in April again, although I'm not preventing. I've made an appointment with Dr Dasoo who is a gynea/FS, he practises at Bio-Art and at Garden City, for the 8th of April and I am excited, yet scared to see him.

I so want to start my own company planning events and wedding although I'm not to clued up on where to start, but watch this space. Very soon you will hear from me.

D has been so happy to be back at school as they are exchanging periods now and writing in pen so this is like super cool for him. This past weekend he had a project at school on masks and had to actually make one. We had so much fun and the scrapbook gemstones and sequins came in quite handy.

R is also excited for the 8th of April as am I and we are still so inlove and go on date nights at least twice a month.

Well that is it for now!

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