Friday, March 27, 2009

Mandy and Eve and the rest

10 Thing you didn't know about me:

1. I studied Financial Services Advice and dont use my certificate.

2. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister older then me.

3. I had my first drink when I was 13.

4. I had my first smoke when I was 14 and smoked for 2 months before leaving it.

5. I dont like clubbing, but I will go to News Cafe or Cappello's any day.

6. I'm not a reader and normally take a year to read one book. - hehehe

7. I love watching romantic movies and comedies.

8. I used to work as a barwoman for 2 months just after finishing school.

9. I'm very indecisive ... I will decide to do something and change my mind the whole time - I always think of the risks.

10. I LOVE to daydream or night dream ... just before falling asleep, I picture my future in my head.


Lilian January said...

number 9 & 10 sounds like me...he he he

Evelyn said...

Very interesting stuff KP!!!

I like Capello's!

Christmas countdown